Ogden Temple Open House and Eccles Dinosaur Park and and and...
The Odgen Temple open house was a great experience for us. Gregory told me in the celestial room that he would love to live there, but that he would need lots of servants because the temple is so large. ha ha
I'm glad that Gregory felt at home, and that he wanted to be there. The temple is a wonderful place to be, and it makes anyone feel at home. The spirit of the Lord is there, and I hope to have that spirit in every home I live in. After walking through this beautiful temple, we went to the Dinosaur Park.
William enjoyed playing in the sand at the Dinosaur Park while his older brothers went up and down the giant tree slide.
This was the coolest slide. It has three different slides inside this giant tree.
Other stuff that has happened recently is that William was circumcised. In Ireland, where he was born, they do not circumcise until they are two years old. That seems odd because at two it would be far more painful, so we had it done during this visit at Primary Children's Hospital. He was completely asleep during the whole process and was given medicine for pain afterwards. Overall, I kept William as comfortable as I could and it went smoothly. I was happy that it all went so well.
Here we are right before William goes into surgery.
Gregory and George went on a camp out with Papa Plothow and their Uncle Ethan.
Hanging out at the house. How lucky are we to have spent the summer here with my family in Utah. It has been so wonderful!
This is the best picture. It's been so fun being outside in the beautiful Utah summer weather. We have had so much fun. It's sad that we are leaving, but also excited to go back to Ireland.
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