Halloween in Sydney, Australia

The Saturday before Halloween, the boys' school did a huge Halloween Fete. It was well attended and the boys had an amazing time running around spending money on games, treats and prizes. I supported the school by manning a booth for a couple hours. It was called the Bog Chuck. So people held nappies, obviously clean ones that were tied up as if they were used, and threw them into the toilet from about 1-2 meters away (depending on age). No matter if they got the nappies in or not, everyone won a prize. We gave out witch fingers, yo-yos, stickers, toy lizards etc.

Then on Monday or Halloween, we dressed the boys up again and went back to Balmain. We took the Ferry and went trick-or-treating. We learned quickly that the only homes offering treats were ones that were decorated and the lights were on. There weren't too many, but the boys did get to knock on about a dozen doors before we decided to go home.

In the city where no one had kids dressed up, people stopped and took pictures of them, and even asked to have their photo with them. That was fun.

At the end of the night, the boys didn't have a lot of candy, so we stopped off at the corner store near our apartment, and we bought them each two bags of candy to help supplement their Halloween candy stash. Overall, we had a fun night as a family, even though I was wishing we were in Utah just for a night to run around with all the hundreds of other children out and be able to knock on every door and know that there are treats for all who came by. But that's okay because Halloween is stick catching on here in Australia, and the ones that did get into were awesome.

My favourite home, was a couple who stood at their second story window and as we approached let down a decorated water pale full of candy. We were able to go their twice, they were so happy and wanting to give us lots of candy because there weren't too many trick-or-tr eaters.

Afterwards we headed home on the Ferry back to Darling Harbour where we live.

Happy Halloween 2017


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