Scarf Hats, Riding a Pony, Midway get-a-way!
I may be a little obsessed...but this is such a fun thing! My family has designed a new line of hats. We call them Scarf Hats.
It's been so interesting and exciting to see how retail works from the manufacturing standpoint. From thinking of an idea, manufacturing them in bulk, finding stores that want to purchase, and managing everthing in-between.
I'm happy to announce that we are now in 10 states and 60 stores. We are working hard each day to get into more stores and diverse locations.
I even put together a Scarf Hat slideshow if you want to see other "models" from my family wearing different colors and styles :) Having fun out on the FARM!!!!
Gregory had the chance to ride his first pony. He went around and around...and had a great time. After the ride, this kind man let George have a turn. He was a little nervas but I think he like it. This cowboy said that he began riding horses at George's age...11months.
A Weekend in Midway
Here is Gregory and George outside of the cheese factory...I thought all the pumpkins were so much fun. I promise my kids have shoes....they just rather be barefoot. I can't blame them, so would I! I'm getting excited for Halloween this year! I love the holidays, and even though Halloween is not my favorite holiday, it's a good excuse to have a party, make yummy pies, and be with family and friends!
We had a great time this past weekend up in Midway. Stan, Gregory, George and I went up there for two night to get away and just enjoy our little family. We visited a new cheese factory and ate some fresh cheese curd. We swam in the pool a few times, watched the Incredibles a few times, ate good food, and just had some family fun! I loved it!
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