Having Fun

Back to the beach... oh soooo cold. December isn't the best beach weather in Cork, but that's okay... we found other fun things to do at the beach like play in the wet sand, stay away from the random dog that's always there, and play with toys and try not to get wet. 

George running on the wet sand.

Gregory climbing on the rocky shoreline.

Stan, Gregory, and George

Christine, Coco, and Lyndon chasing the waves.

William and me just watching everyone explore the beach.

Stan scouting out the area.

One thing I love about Carrigaline is the park near our home. Even on a rainy day it's fun to come here and get out some energy. Here Stan is pushing George on the zipline. He's running after him as well to make sure he doesn't fall off when he reaches the other side.

 Here goes Gregory... get ready for a big push!!!

 My brother Lyndon is playing with his little girl Cosette. I think every kid loves the zipline.

William is such a good baby boy... and it just melts my heart when he smiles and his little dimples show. I think he's such a handsome baby!

Despite being busy with everything, especially a newborn baby, I can't get enough of these two. Such good boys!

Christine and Lyndon bought me an early birthday cake... super nice and yummy!

Happy holidays to everyone... I love just being home with my family and spending time with them. I cannot believe how quickly time goes by and how fast my family is growing up. In two weeks I'm turning thirty. I thought I would be in my twenties forever... SO WEIRD!!!


  1. how fun! so glad family have been able to come out and see you guys too. Looks like you have had a great holiday!


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