Gregory's Golden Birthday

Gregory turned 11 on June 11th. This birthday was his golden birthday. We celebrated him as a family, we had a second party with extended family and friends, and a third party with his friends. He had a great week or so of celebration and felt very loved. He's such an amazing person. I love him so much. He brings so much joy and excitement to our family. I couldn't ask for a better first child. He leads his brothers in love and kindness. All the boys look up to him, want to be with him, and follow him. He's a leader among his friends, at school, at church, on his sports teams. He makes me feel like a good mother. He tells me that all the time. I feel so lucky and blessed. Happy birthday to Gregory. May all your birthdays be golden. 💛

Friend Partay!

Extended family and friends party.

1st party with immediate  family.

Olive Garden birthday dinner with the family.


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