First Day of Schooool 2020 - Covid 19 Style
First day of school. Gregory is going to Valley View Middle school, George is going to Mt. Loafer Elementary, William is staying home and going into First grade at home learning, and Tiberius is just happy that William is doing school from home so that he has a friend.
I've been thinking, Gregory went to school on his own in Ireland, but when we moved to Australia George went with him. They have been going to school together ever since so this year is just weird because they are going to different schools and William is doing home school.
Until a few days ago, I was going to home school them all or do the at-home version of school, but the older two just really wanted to go back to school and so I scrambled and got them enrolled, new clothes including socks and underwear, face masks, and school supplies all bought in one day. We even made it to Gregory's middle school open house. It was good too to meet all his teachers and to walk through where each of his classes were located. It was a very fun afternoon spending it with him.
We read the Great Gatsby for 20 minutes together, the boys took their bathes, we said prayers and they all went to bed ontime. We had a great morning - I drove them to school and took as many pictures as I wanted to - the boys just smile and let me do it.
I picked them up from school as well. They both had good days. William had fun at home, his homeschool at least today was super simple. We only worked for about 30 minutes. I'm sure it will increase but he was thinking that his decision to be taught at home was a good one. I'm told things for online will begin to ramp up by Monday.
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