
Weem - William

Geor - George

Ory - Gregory 

Da - Dad 

Mommm - Mom

Alright πŸ‘ he says this so clearly, alright, alright, alright 😊😊😊



I want baba 

Now! Every sentence ends with "now!"

Mommm I want yurr phone? Ave it? Baaack nowww! Why?!

Please mom ... Now! Alright?!

Hug!!! (When I walk in the room or in the house from being away he opens his arms up wide and says MOM HUG!! and we hug πŸ€—

Halloween πŸŽƒ He absolutely LOVED and loves everything Halloween πŸŽƒπŸ₯Ί

We had a fun Halloween weekend up in Park City and we went swimming, ate out, had lots of ice cream and candy and watched fun Halloween movies non-stop all day and we'll into the night. So when Tiber thinks of fun he thinks Halloween, when he sees a pumpkin or ghost he thinks yes Halloween! He is constantly asking for H A L L O W E E N !


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