ARUBA was a blast! We played on the beach, swam in the Ocean, took a Jeep and went on an Island Adventure...and it really was an adventure. We drove literally around the entire island of Aruba! We went to everything we could from beaches to caves, natural waterholes, deserted ruins, sand dunes, first church on the island, and to the island's light house. We had pina coladas every night, and basically had the best week ever! Stan, we should definitely do this again!

We went on a dinner cruise one night. It was fun to cruise around and enjoy the ocean this way.

We found a lighthouse and stopped to take a photo together.

We drove around the island one day in a Jeep that we rented. We discovered many fun places, one were the sand dunes.

We took some lovely walks along the coast together. It was fun to get our feet wet as we walked for a long time along the beautiful, white-sand beaches in Aruba.

It was so much fun eating out every night. We had nothing to do but to relax, enjoy our time together, and eat delicious food.

Every night we drank virgin pina coladas at the bar. It became our nightly ritual and I have always loved them since then. They remind me our our evenings in Aruba together.

One night we shared a dessert, so the waiter wrote with chocolate syrup on our dessert plate "Love 2 Share". We thought that was very cute of him.

Here is Stan driving us in the Jeep around the island.

We went on a hike one day to the highest point on the island of Aruba. It wasn't that high, but a good day hike for two honeymooners.

We found some old ruins so we had to climb on them.

Most days we sat on the beach, swam in the gentle waves, and enjoyed the warm sun, sand and waters of Aruba. It was wonderful.


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