The first year of George's life.

Look what fun photos I found. Here is George as a baby, and Gregory when he was 2 1/2- 3 years old. Such cute boys! The year George was born we went camping all over Utah and spent lots of time outdoors! It was a fun year, so happy George was born into our family.

Baby George in the University Hospital

Gregory 2 years old, hiking down in Las Vegas.

George as a cute baby just chilling at home in Orem.

Gregory has loved his baby brother from the very beginning.
I miss  George's chubby cheeks! Such an adorable boy!!

George is so adorable!

I love taking walks with my boys in this double stroller!

Hiking with George, just six months old.

Stan and his boys outdoors and loving summer life! Gregory 2 years old, and George 6 months.

Stan repelling down the falls.

Happy First Birthday George and hope your first year was a good one! 

I was so proud of this cake! This is for George's First Birthday! Love you sooo much George!!!!


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