Charles Fort

This past weekend, we drove down to Kinsale and visited Charles Fort. We took a guided tour and learned about how and why the fort was built, what is was used for and who lived there.
I feel lucky that I didn't live during the 1600s. It must have been very difficult. I'm especially happy that I didn't have to live at Charles Fort. It was nice enough especially for the time, but it made be grateful for what I have and all that I'm blessed with.

 Stan gave me his coat, I left mine in the car. It was a cold day, but we didn't get rained on so that's good. After visiting the fort, we went back to the car and all bundled up better. We are going to need to get used to wearing a lot of clothing on our outings. We then went around Kinsale. Such a beautiful little city on the cliffs. We ate at Jim Edwards, a little pub in town. The locals call it "bar grub" I had homemade baked lasagna with fries and a salad. Gregory and George shared an order of chicken tenders and fries, and Stan went with fish and chips. Yummy warm food on such a chilly day hit the spot with us all.

This is the "city" within the walls of the fort.

The entrance to the fort. 

Outside the fort, overlooking the city of Kinsale.


  1. Hey Brooke! I love that you get to live in Ireland for a few years! You are going to have the best memories with your little family. So awesome. Thanks for posting your stories, so I can visit Ireland vicariously through you. :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Caleb and I can visit you while you are there. It's not that far from Boston. . . :)


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