When I was a kid...

My mother has been reorganizing all the photos from our childhood. I thought on my trip home to Utah that it would be nice to get a few of them on my blog. There's so many more, but at least this is a start. Looking at all these photos brought back such happy memories. I feel so blessed to be apart of a great family.

Here's my mother and father with me when I'm a baby.

Me and Lyndon as kids.

Look at those awesome glasses! Me, Sam, and Lyndon!

Baby Sammy with Dad and Mom

I'm giving the same look that Gregory gives me all the time... 

I remember wearing this dress... I thought I was so big!

Dad holding baby Sam, with Lyndon walking by his side.

I've got the best looking parents!

Mom and Me.

Lyndon and me with our California tans.

Dad graduating medical school in Cali.

Mom, Dad, and Grandma Beth.




Waking Dad up on his Birthday!

I took this so I'm not in it, but there's Mom, Maggie, Lyndon, Sam, and Dad.

Baby Lyndon and big sister Brooke.

Loved going to feed the animals.

Lyndon on his baptism day with Grandma Lenora, Grandpa Roger, Grandma Beth, and Grandpa Cleleo.

Brooke, Lyndon, and Mom riding an elephant!

Riding horses with my brother Lyndon.

Baby Brooke sitting on Grandpa Bailey's lap..

Baby Sammy on his blessing day.

Classic! Playing the chimes for our Christmas talent at the annual Sainsbury Christmas Party!

Here's everyone before missions and marriages! 

Coming home from my mission...

Lyndon coming home from his mission.

I had a happy childhood... There's more photos to find, but I thought these were wonderful!


  1. I love this! For some reason I cannot imagine Lyndon as a baby. I guess cause he is a big tall man now. You all were cute kiddos. I might copy you and put some up too.

  2. Christine, I love all these photos too! I thought you'd love this, because there are a lot of Lyndon. Many reminded me of Cosette too :) Love you!!!

  3. Wonderful pictures of a beautiful family! I remember you all at these occasions, it doesn't seem like so long ago! Reminds me of a comment my own Father used to say as he looked at me with my young kids, "A generation goes by in a hurry...." So nice to have good pictures to remind you of wonderful memories!

    1. I cannot believe how photos can bring back so many memories, and I agree a generation does go by in a hurry. I'm grateful for such a great family and extended family who have made these memories so precious! xoxo


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