Portugal: Faro
Our trip from Obidos was much longer than expected. We did not arrive to Faro until midnight. When we finally arrived to our hotel, we were exhausted. We all just fell deep asleep. The next morning we were starving and we had nothing and there was not much open for breakfast. So I volunteered to go and find food. I got lost and was very scared as I wondered deeper into a small ghetto. Thankfully, I did find my way to the grocery store, but when I got back it had taken me over two hours and Stan was so nervous. He told me that for now on we stick together, and I agreed. After breakfast we got on the city water bus or the ferry which took us to an island off the coast of Faro. It was something to do that didn't take much effort, at this point in the trip we were exhausted and ready to go home. Eleven days of traveling and trying to see everything we possible could had finally caught up with us. We enjoyed our relaxing day, to be honest Stan and I could have just stayed in the hotel and watched TV, but the boys loved the ferry and exploring the island. I did enjoy both those things, and especially collecting sea shells. Stan found really nice, big ones which we took home to Ireland. I love sea shells and so do the boys, so that was fun. The beach was beautiful, but it was evening by the time we got there, and too cold to swim. So Stan and the boys built sand castles and decorated them with sea shells. It was a nice day.
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