Family Photos Christmas 2016
I wanted to take family photos, but didn't organise a photographer. So I took most of these photos myself. For the family photos with me in them, I was going to use the timer, so I had the camera positioned on a tripod, but instead of using a timer there seemed to be someone who would almost volunteer to take the photo. The camera was on the tripod and positioned so all they had to do was push the button. I am grateful for all the strangers who helped take our family photos this Christmas. I think they turned out well.
I enjoyed myself, but for boys taking photos isn't the funniest thing to do on Christmas Eve morning. We got up early so that the lighting would be good, and everyone participated well and did their best to be happy for the camera.
I have wanted this photo for a while now. I do many of my morning runs around Darling Harbour and as I run across this bridge over and over again I would tell myself that this would be a lovely family photo. It is nice when little wishes like this one come true. My family gave me a great Christmas gift this morning as they woke up early, got dressed, and smiled for the camera!
I really love this photo of William. He's always on the move, loves to go and do everything... but he does it with a smile and I'm so happy that we captured his kind smile in the photo.
This photo might be my favourite. I didn't tell the boys to line up here, they were all looking over the bridge and all I had to say was hey look at me, and they all turned and this magic happened! I'm so blessed to have these handsome men in my life!
I love this photo of George and Gregory. They have beautiful smiles that light up my world. They are such handsome and wonderful sons.
When we took the last photo and filled my memory card, I said, something like "It's a wrap, folks. We can go home now!" Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Nice photos. Love the color of your dress.