George Phillip Nelson's Baptism
George's baptism was a lovely day for our family and for George. It was a lot of work and preparation, but once we made it to the stake center things were perfect. I felt the spirit very strongly. I felt Heaven. I know George is a very special boy. God loves George, and He has plans for him. I felt God's love for George, I felt Christ, I felt the Holy Ghost. Stan gave George such a beautiful blessings, his baptism and confirmation. Stan was so happy and proud of his son. We both felt very supported and loved.
Many people came to support our family and George on his big day. He even had his closest cousin in age, fly on her own all the way from New York. We were all impressed with Cosette and she was a blessing to George, and he was so happy that she chose to come. She is a wonderful girl, and we all love her so much.
A few weeks following his baptism, we were at a family party and one of Stan's uncles came up to me and told me that he had participated in many blessing, baptisms, and confirmations, and he felt the spirit at them all. However, he said, at George's confirmation when Stan was giving him his blessing he felt the spirit surge through him. He was very impressed, and wanted to share this with me because I was George's mother. I felt a warm peace flow through me as he told me this, and I knew and I have always known, George is special. George is amazing. George is a valiant soul that will do great things for His God here on earth and beyond.
Often life keeps us busy, and we fail to recognize God's hand in our life. For me, this is one of many reasons why these sorts of days are so special. It's in these moments that we can all stop what we're doing, we take the time to come together, we participate in a saving ordinance, and the spirit of God comes and fills our hearts and souls with His love. I needed this day. It revived me and gave me hope of what will come. It made me want to be a better person, it made me want to be a better mother. I know God lives, I will see Him again someday. I know he loves us all, and I know he loves my son. I hope I am the mother that He wants and needs me to be. I hope that I can instill within him a testimony of God, of Christ, or the Holy Ghost, and of their gospel on the earth today.
George's Baptism Day went so well. I had high hopes, and it was amazing how everything just fell into place. Sometimes things don't work out and that's okay too, but I am truly grateful for the moments and days when things do work out. When love and happiness wins over its opposite.
I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the peace and hope it offers me. I am grateful that George had the desire to become a member of Christ's church, and that he entered into a covenant with him. I am happy that my family is choosing to help in the gathering of Israel, to prepare for the second coming of Christ.
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