Tiberius is a wonderful boy. He has brought such happiness and joy to our home. I love to sit and rock with him and snuggle with him as much as I possibly can. He is a beautiful boy and he has a beautiful soul. He is willing to go along with our busy lives, and he hardly makes a peep. He is just happy and he is very loved. Stan and the boys love him and play with him constantly.
Last week we were able to bless him in our home. It was a very special evening. We only had our family there, our parents, my siblings, and the fist counselor and his wife, and it was a very sacred night. Sometimes life can be hard, and we all face so many trials, but every once in a while there is a truly sacred moment, when heaven and earth meet. This was such a night. I felt the spirit very strongly and I knew that Tiberius is loved by his Heavenly Father, his Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. He will bless the lives' of everyone that has the honor to associate with him. He has brought me great peace and love, and I feel honored to be his mother. I hope I always do right by him, and teach him to choose the right, and set him on the covenant pathway back to his Heavenly Father. The gospel of Jesus Christ brings happiness, and I'm so grateful for it.
Stan blessed Tiberius and gave him a beautiful blessing. He mentioned things that you might normally hear, but he focused on love, kindness, and being aware of others. I loved this. I want my family to be kind, to be aware of others, and to spread charity. Tiberius is so special and so full of pure love, and I am sure that he will spread this love to those around him throughout his life.
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