January in Elk Ridge

Second Annual birthday at Bear Lake has become my birthday tradition. I cannot believe that I turned 35. I never thought I'd ever be in my mid thirties, but it has happened and it's not so bad. For me the only thing good about January in Utah is my birthday. Just kidding. We keep busy with indoor sports, going to movies, and playing board games. When it snows the boys like to go outback and sled down the hill. We're lucky to have a good sledding hill in our backyard.

William cannot wait for Spring because he gets to play rec soccer. He's still too young for Shooters Soccer Club.

At Bear Lake during the winter months, all we do is swim in the warm indoor pools, watch movies, play board games, and relax in the hotel. I don't play board games enough with my boys, but when we come to Bear Lake I make sure to play. George especially loves it.


These four boys are my life. They make it worth living. So grateful for all the good times together.

Tiberius is a beautiful little baby boy!

I didn't get Stan in any photos so we had to do a quick selfie together before heading home.

View of Bear Lake on our way home.

My birthday cake before the cream is added. Look at all those raspberries. Yum!

Mom's famous raspberry cream birthday cake. It's my all time favorite and she makes it for me every year.

Thanks Christine and Lyndon for such a generous birthday gift.

Tiberius is a great little guy. Happy to go wherever we need to go.

William enjoys playing on the playground wild his brothers are inside playing basketball.

We missed basketball pictures this year, so Gregory is letting me take a few. He's a great sport.

The boys found a giant snow pile. I had to let them play on it until the sun finished setting. 

    George goes up for a basket and it goes in. The crowd goes wild.


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