It's My Birthday!! 37 wow!

37 it's a weird thing that this number keeps on getting bigger! What a wonderful life it has been so far. I feel very loved and very blessed.

Here's what I wrote on Facebook:

Thanks so much for all the sweet birthday wishes on FB and texts and calls. I just felt loved all day long.
Stan Nelson
has spoiled me and surprised me. On our way home from my birthday dinner, he and the boys told me how much they loved me, and they each were so sweet and sincere. The love I felt all day long is worth more than all the riches of the world. 💜 Some highlights: new pair of chacos, 4 layer raspberry cake, a surprise box of a dozen crumbl cookies, Ann Taylor gift card in my email, and out to dinner with my family. 37 is feeling good so far! Thanks again - love you all 🎉💜🎉

Look at this incredible 4 layer cake made with love from my momma! 

I have a great family - brothers, sisters, parents, husband and kids that love me!

Stan's parents surprised me with this lovely box of cookies and a gift card for Ann Taylor which is my favorite clothing store. Super happy!

Stan surprised me with dinner plans! We had this restaurant all to ourselves. No one else was there so they gave us a bunch of free stuff like free soups and free dessert. It was very fun!

Right before bed - I checked Facebook and look what I found... 

Happy Birthday to me! I wasn't expecting anything and was happy to just have a quite day at home and look at all the fun that ended up happening. Lovely day!


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