William Lost His FIRST TOOTH!

William is a sweetheart. He just barely lost his first tooth and he is 7 years old. He was so funny about it. It tooks us a long time and we had to be so careful as we helped him get this very loose tooth out of his mouth. It felt so good when it was out! William was so happy :) 

After a while as we began to talk about the Tooth Fairy, we snuggled up to me on the couch and said, "Mom, you know I don't really believe in the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny, or you know... Santa Clause." haha well smart boy, sorry we cannot keep you young longer. He's just too smart for his own good. We told him most kids his age still believe so not to spoil the fun for others. 

I love this William boy! He is smart, kind, loving, athletic and has a really big heart and loves to share his testimony. He shares it with me and to anyone in the family that will listen to him. No one better than my William and I feel blessed to have him in our family. 

Love you sweet boy!



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