Spring Sports 2021 - Video of William's Soccer Highlights

 Spring sports have been great this year! 

Gregory has changed from playing soccer to playing club basketball. They practice three times a week for 2 hours and have games on Saturdays. He has been practicing for weeks now and his first game is next week. Excited to see him back on the court playing games!

George has rocked baseball. He plays every day of the week. Monday he has Monday Night Lights, Tuesday and Thursday he has Salem Rec baseball games, Wednesday he has RA or club practice at their indoor facility, and Friday and Saturdays they play in tournaments. This past weekend George was on fire! In his last game, he hit a bomb and pitched 4 innings. It's so fun to watch him play!

William just finished up his first year of club soccer. He played year-round on his club team. He did very well and learned a lot. He was a year younger than most of the players and he held his own! I was so proud of how hard he worked and that he had a good time playing. He has tryouts this week and I'm excited to see what teams he gets on for this upcoming year of soccer. In August, I will also have him try out for baseball at the same academy that George plays at. 

Tiber is ready to get going - he loves coming along and always says "I come too?!" He cheers on his brothers, plays around the fields, and at the playgrounds during games. He is simply a joy to have around and I cannot wait for him to get his chance to play sports when he is a year or two older. 

First tourney for Spring League down in St. George, UT. It was a fun one!!!

Wendy's after the game hooray!

This was a massive bruise! Poor George - way to use your body to block the ball.

Easter Sunday! Love my little buddies!!!

George has become an excellent pitcher! I love watching him strike out players. He is very accurate and when it combines with speed it's hard to hit! He strikedout some of his buddies from his old team this night. He was fun to watch :) 

George took 2nd place at this Tooele tournament. Stan got George there and had to leave the house at 6:30 AM and this picture was after the last game close to 11PM. What a long day and four games but they got here! Way to go George!

This Spring was Tiber's third birthday. This is him on his birthday. He kept saying... "It's my birthday!?!" Kinda like it was a question but he knew the answer... yes baby boy - it's your birthday!!!

Tiber just had no fear when it comes to climbing up. He doesn't like having to come back down again though haha!

George gets down and ready for each pitch and yesterday at a game someone hit the ball hard and low but George was right there to catch it. Very impressive play for the out!

William and Gregory eating lunch after Williams soccer game.

Salem Rec City League. He with his friends, all on different teams!

Gregory had his first basketball for his Spring league but I didn't remember to film until the end... he made several shots including a 3-pointer! He did a baseline drive, made his shot and got a foul shot... and 1! He made a jumper, got lots of rebounds, and had a really fun time playing. He is loving basketball. Glad we found this Basketball Academy where he has the chance to play club basketball year-round. Way to go Gregory!

The boys have had a great Spring. They have played and practiced hard and have done very well. Fun to see them progress and do good things with their childhood. Stan and I are hoping that work can slow down a bit so we can plan some camping trips. School ends this week and we need to get up to the mountains and have a fun summer. Spring 2021 was a good one!


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