It's Christmas Eve!

Today is Christmas Eve. The day has been relaxing and fun so far. I have the ham baking in the oven, the boys helped me tidy up the house, and now they are all playing together nicely. The Mormon Tabernacle choir is singing in the background to some my favorite Christmas songs, so I thought it would be a good moment to sit down and write a bit before finishing dinner and everything else that we have planned for tonight (family dinner, a Christmas movie, spiritual thought on Jesus Christ, then wrapping wrapping wrapping!!) I bought William a Christmas sweater at Penneys, which is an awesome store here in Ireland. Everything they sell is inexpensive and they have really fun stuff, mostly clothing and accessories. I will miss Penneys when we eventually move home to Utah.

We are planning on having a roaring fire all night tonight and all day tomorrow! It hasn't been very rainy this year, unlike last year when it rained 3-4 times a week, so today was warm and sunny... it didn't feel much like Christmas Eve, but that will change as it gets colder this evening and we all snuggle up to a Christmas Eve fire! 

 The boys were able to make a proper gingerbread house at our Cork Branch Christmas Party! Megan, the sister missionaries, and I arrived to the church early in the day and we set 12 of these up so that we'd be ready for the party. We cut out pieces of cardboard and wrapped them in tin foil because they are too big for paper plates. The icing is made up of egg whites and powder or icing sugar. That's it and it works like glue! Once the houses set, they were strong! Each family that had kids in the primary had a gingerbread house. The kids were good sports and all helped each other make these awesome!

George is heading over to meet Santa Clause! He was happy to see him and to get a box of chocolates! Lucky boy! We had to buy and wrap these gifts as well beforehand. 

 Gregory's turn!

 This year, Santa had prepared a song for us all! And he loved singing so much, that he continued to sing the entire time. As the children went up Santa was just singing away and he'd hand the child the present and that was that. No sitting on Santa's lap this year!

Here's Gregory and George making their gingerbread house!

Merry Christmas Eve to all! I am so excited to spend Christmas with my little family! They are so wonderful, and I do miss everyone, especially my family, but I hope to make this year a very special Christmas for my boys! Love to all!

As we celebrate this Christmas season, our thoughts turn to that sacred event long ago when the Prince of Peace and the Light of the World was born (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, who was “wounded for our transgressions, ... and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). He promised: “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).
We sincerely pray this Christmastime that the light and testimony of the Savior will come into our hearts, that our lives will reflect His life and attributes, and that people everywhere will accept the blessings of His mercy and grace that are made possible through His atoning sacrifice.
May each of us be blessed during this joyous time of the year, and may we acknowledge with gratitude our Heavenly Father’s incomparable gift to us—His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thomas S. Monson
Henry B. Eyring
Dieter F. Uchtdorf


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