Day 2: With Mom

What a great day! We are all completely exhausted, and we had such a wonderful day together. We ate yummy food, saw Blarney Castle and after the many times I have been I actually kissed the Blarney stone for the first time, strolled around Cork city centre, found an old toy shop and our favorite sweet shop, and ended the night with a great FHE in Crosshaven eating fish and chips on the water and going to the "Merries" and the playground. It was quite the day!

Hassett's is my favorite place to eat a delicious homemade breakfast. I have dreamed about taking my mother here, and that happened today! She loved it, I knew she would!

Everyone who comes to visit Ireland needs to come to Blarney Castle. Not only is it an amazing castle, but the grounds and mansion are awesome too. We spent hours just roaming around everywhere, the boys ran around in the fresh air, climbed trees, and swung on the tire swing.

Mom kissing the Blarney stone!

Crosshaven is known as Heaven. I wish that I had spent more time here while living in Ireland. It's not too far from my home, and I really enjoy it each time I visit. Mom had never had fresh fish and chips and so we had to eat here. They catch the haddock the same day they serve it. It was very fresh and they even left the skin on it. It was very hot and very delicious! They gave us all such large portions, I felt bad that we threw some away but it was impossible to eat it all.

After dinner we walked over to "the merries" this is what the locals call it. It's officially called Pipers Funfair. Here the boys were able to jump on some fun kid rides and afterwards we played together at the park.

 There's Gregory!

There's George!


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