Halloween in Australia

Here we are all dressed and ready to take the Ferry to Luna Park for a night of fun as they celebrate Halloween with rides, costumes, music, candy, mystery treasure hunts and more! Other than feeling super sick from the ROTOR ride at the end of the night, it was a perfect way to celebrate Halloween!

The boys' school gets all dressed up for a Halloween Fun Fair. I helped for a few hours after school on Friday setting up the haunted house, and I made this Jack O' Lantern cake for them to use as well. I like feeling apart of the community and helping out when I can.

We also went to our Church's "Hallogiving" party. It was the Australian's way of combining two American holidays in one: Halloween and Thanksgiving. It was great! We had a great, big Turkey dinner, rolls, salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, green peas and so forth and even they had the traditional pumpkin pie and apple pies. I was so proud of their due diligence! In addition everyone was or at least the children were all dressed up and we had a DJ and a trunk or treat going on out back for the kids to get their plastic pumpkins full of candy, baked goods, and Halloween toys like pretend spiders and worms. It was a great night, and we all had a good time! We even squeezed in a beach trip Saturday morning to early afternoon. It was one of the best Halloween weekends I've ever had!

Happy Halloween!


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